I am ​ifetayo ​jabari-​Kitwala

Strategist. Advocate. Creative.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

- Albert Einstein

I am a champion for change in the ​communities I serve, looking to ​create an impact that lasts ​generations.

Connection to the world around us has been a goal of mine ​since I was a young child. I was taught to find the beauty in ​the balance of differences. I was encouraged to find the ​beauty in both the left and right sides of my brain. This ​encouragement led me to seek out opportunities as I possibly ​could.

In the middle of a global pandemic, I made the decision to up ​root my life and move to Los Angeles, CA from Baltimore, MD. ​I’ve never been to the city, I knew very few people there, but I ​knew it was where God was calling me be.

My passion for art and design stems from my Grandmother ​who used to draw portraits using ink and sticks she’d find in ​out backyard. Her innovative, dont-take-nuthin’ attitude ​continues to push me to be a better artist, advocate, ​strategist, and now, business owner.

My journey

Ifetayo is a Los Angeles based marketing freelancer with 5+ years of experience in ​social media marketing, public relations, graphic design and business development ​for a variety of industries. She is a resilient young artist and advocate who is driven ​by curiosity and continuously seeks to be challenges by the world around her. ​Much of her experience comes from her employment, extracurricular programing ​or individuals as clients. Ifetayo is looking to build her business and skills by taking ​on small brands, businesses and boutiques in the near future.

Work Experience

Academic Accomplishments

  • Ogilvy, Strategist
    • 2023 - Present
  • SALT Landscape Architects, ​Marketing Coordinator
    • 2022 - 2023
  • The Many, Growth Coordinator
    • 2021 - 2022
  • Jacobs, Business Development ​Coordinator
    • 2020 - 2021
  • InClub Magazine, Associate ​Creative and Design Director
    • 2018 - 2019
  • M.S., Project Management, ​University of Maryland, 2022
  • B.A., Advertising, Temple ​University 2020


sigma gamma rho

To​tal brand management

We​bsite design

Year: On​going

i ​am horato

We​bsite design

Pr​oduct design

Year: On​going

ea​sy to spot

To​tal brand management

Pu​blic relations

Year: On​going

wi​ll always be around

We​bsite design

Marketing collateral​

Year: Ongo​ing

bl​ue diamond civil

We​bsite redesign

Marketing collateral

Year: Ongo​ing

Th​e Westside church

Gr​aphic design

Year: Ongoing

om​ega psi phi

Gr​aphic design

Year: 2022

pa​th forward

Lo​go refinement

We​bsite refinement

Year: 2023​

no​mo tears consulting

We​bsite Design

Gr​aphic Design

Year: 2023​

of​f top design

Website design​

Year: 2023​


Logo design​

Year: 2023​

se​ven cities

Logo design​

Year: 2022​

vim collaborative

Ma​rketing collateral

So​cial media management

Year: 2021

la​dies of elegance

To​tal brand management

Ev​ent planning

Year: 2019​

in​club magazine

Ed​itorial design

Wr​iting and proofing

Year: 2019​

contact me


